Thursday, November 5, 2009

Keep Your Focus in the High Places

As we approach the changing of the season we also approach the changing of the guard and paradigm. We are here to encourage you to keep your eyes on what is happening in the spiritual realm, in the High Places. See the new paradigm that is now here anchoring into manifest form.

Do not allow yourself to be pulled into the fear vortex and matrix of the mass media. This only results in extreme anxiety and stops the flow of goodness into your life.

Keep yourself centered in Beauty, Love Life, Light, Healing Abundance and Creativity. Look towards the children. They have the answer. Despite all, they continue to revel in the moment and take delight and joy in the simplest things. Can you see and hear the incredible new vision and songs being created?

We at www.Ayanna have several offerings to ease the effects of the dynamic changes occurring at this time in history. If you resonate with any of these offerings, and money is an issue at this time, please do not allow that to stop you. Step forward from your center of power and allow room for your blessing.

I love the Highest and Best in All People. I always draw the Highest, Best and Most Prosperous Minded People to me.

If you need prayer or counsel call 949.395.3359 or email

Many blessings to You and Yours,
Rev. Ayanna

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