Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Love Breath

Love Breath

The only thing that is truly satisfying is Love itself.

Take a Love breath. Inhale and exhale Love through all your pours and the orifices of your body. Do this for 5 minutes feeding on the celestial nourishment with each and every breath. Allow Love to permeate your being.

After 5 minutes take a Peace breath. Do this until every muscle, organ and cell relaxes with Peace, stillness and rest.

Come back to the present moment. Come back to the heart. Then remember we Love as One.

Even times of anguish and despair are only temporary situations priming us for a new opening into the Love Breath.

We expand as we open up. As we expand we have access to higher resonating emotions and feelings – higher frequencies of Love.

What is the fragrance of your heart? Follow the meditation to access your heart flower of Love.

Choose a new mantra. “As the Master that I Am, I choose the harmonious vibration of Love.”

This moment is all there is. How will you use it? What will you do with it? Take a Love Breath.

May the Year 2010 find you surrounded with Love Breaths.
~ Rev. Ayanna ~ 

Every name vibrates to a number and every number has an inner meaning. For insight into your personal year 2010 consider a one-hour phone Intuitive and Spiritual Guidance session. The session includes your numerological Life Lesson, Soul, Outer Personality, Path of Destiny, and Personal Year Numbers. Because of the amount of time I spend with in-depth preparation, I can only accept twelve requests to be scheduled during the first three weeks of January only.

If this will support your journey into 2010 please email or call me at 949.395.3359 to schedule your appointment. All that is needed to prepare is your complete birth name and birth year, month and date.

We invite you to take a look at the 2010 calendar and register for our upcoming events posted at http://ayannamojica.com/2010_events.

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