Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Love Breath

Love Breath

The only thing that is truly satisfying is Love itself.

Take a Love breath. Inhale and exhale Love through all your pours and the orifices of your body. Do this for 5 minutes feeding on the celestial nourishment with each and every breath. Allow Love to permeate your being.

After 5 minutes take a Peace breath. Do this until every muscle, organ and cell relaxes with Peace, stillness and rest.

Come back to the present moment. Come back to the heart. Then remember we Love as One.

Even times of anguish and despair are only temporary situations priming us for a new opening into the Love Breath.

We expand as we open up. As we expand we have access to higher resonating emotions and feelings – higher frequencies of Love.

What is the fragrance of your heart? Follow the meditation to access your heart flower of Love.

Choose a new mantra. “As the Master that I Am, I choose the harmonious vibration of Love.”

This moment is all there is. How will you use it? What will you do with it? Take a Love Breath.

May the Year 2010 find you surrounded with Love Breaths.
~ Rev. Ayanna ~ 

Every name vibrates to a number and every number has an inner meaning. For insight into your personal year 2010 consider a one-hour phone Intuitive and Spiritual Guidance session. The session includes your numerological Life Lesson, Soul, Outer Personality, Path of Destiny, and Personal Year Numbers. Because of the amount of time I spend with in-depth preparation, I can only accept twelve requests to be scheduled during the first three weeks of January only.

If this will support your journey into 2010 please email or call me at 949.395.3359 to schedule your appointment. All that is needed to prepare is your complete birth name and birth year, month and date.

We invite you to take a look at the 2010 calendar and register for our upcoming events posted at http://ayannamojica.com/2010_events.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tap Into Your Love Energy

Your Love and Creative Life Force energies are two of your most powerful resources and once you activate these they are self-sustaining. When we do this in a group that is committed to heart connection, fun, passion and play the results are dynamic.

Here are two, end of year 2009, opportunities to Tap into the Love field and release yummy joy juices that will amp up your Creative Life Force energy.

Stay Juicy!

Alchemy, Passion & Play Puja

Singles & Couples 
December 13
6:00 – 10:00 PM

New Year's  Eve Gala
It's the Full Moon, Partial Eclipse & New Year

Thursday, December 31
5:00 PM - 1:00 AM

Thursday, November 5, 2009

How to Get the Spark Back When You're Worried About Money

Do you have the limiting belief that there's no romance without finance? Well the good news is that when it comes to romance, some of the best things in life are free.

If you've lost your job and worried about taking care of yourself or your family, feeling romantic or having sex is the last thing on your mind. When money stress enters the picture it's important to keep the communication lines open and intimacy flowing.

Here are 9 tips to keep the juice flowing between you and your partner when you are stressing about money.
  1. Communicate - Be honest and open about what's stressing you out.
  2. Eye gaze - Send energy and speak silent love messages through your eyes.
  3. Reveal desire - Speak the language of desire via text, email or whisper in your lovers ear.
  4. Use food - Feed your lover slowly and sensually.
  5. Get Physical - A playful pillow fight or slow dancing will do wonders to get the energy flowing.
  6. Read - Entice your partner by reading erotic or Rumi love poems.
  7. Get wet - Give the royal treatment with a scented bath and back rub. 
  8. Massage - Bless your lover's skin with organic coconut oil.
  9. Change - Take your lover to a puja or sacred sexuality event.
Remember that this too shall pass.

Give us a call if you are having challenges with your relationship between sex and money. We specialize in the transforming the dynamics between sex and money. 949.395.3359.

Keep Your Focus in the High Places

As we approach the changing of the season we also approach the changing of the guard and paradigm. We are here to encourage you to keep your eyes on what is happening in the spiritual realm, in the High Places. See the new paradigm that is now here anchoring into manifest form.

Do not allow yourself to be pulled into the fear vortex and matrix of the mass media. This only results in extreme anxiety and stops the flow of goodness into your life.

Keep yourself centered in Beauty, Love Life, Light, Healing Abundance and Creativity. Look towards the children. They have the answer. Despite all, they continue to revel in the moment and take delight and joy in the simplest things. Can you see and hear the incredible new vision and songs being created?

We at www.Ayanna Mojica.com have several offerings to ease the effects of the dynamic changes occurring at this time in history. If you resonate with any of these offerings, and money is an issue at this time, please do not allow that to stop you. Step forward from your center of power and allow room for your blessing.

I love the Highest and Best in All People. I always draw the Highest, Best and Most Prosperous Minded People to me.

If you need prayer or counsel call 949.395.3359 or email ayanna@ayannamojica.com.

Many blessings to You and Yours,
Rev. Ayanna

Friday, July 24, 2009

When Things Seem to Go in the Reverse

Here is an article by Catherine Ponder that has encouraged me when it seemed all “hell broke loose” in my life… dramatically.

Hold on steadily, and let it rock, and when the rocking is over, the picture will have reassembled itself into something much nearer to your heart's desire.

May your transition to the “better” be experienced with joy, ease and grace, but if that is not your experience hang on. May this article encourage you as well.

Blessings of Joy, Ease and Grace
Rev. Ayanna

Chemicalization - A Cleansing, Healing Process
Catherine Ponder

Recently a civil service employee in a distant city said, "I have your book, The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity, and it is the best book on the subject I have ever read. For a time, I worked with the laws you described and they brought dynamic good into my life. But suddenly, I am frightened and discouraged. The last few weeks, everything seems to have gone in reverse. What has happened?"

That lady was relieved to learn that another dynamic law was working for her-the law of chemicalization.

You've heard it said that things have to get worse sometimes before they can get better; that the getting worse process is actually a part of the improvement process; that what seems failure is actually success being born in the situation. That's chemicalization!

Chemicalization sounds like a negative process, but actually it is a very positive one, a natural, normal one. Though it is an uncomfortable experience, it is worth going through, because it is always a sign that cleansing is taking place. Something higher and better always results from this experience.

When these periods come, remind yourself, "This is nothing to fear. This is not evil. There Is only good at work In this experience. Healing Is now taking place In my world. I rest, relax and let It." As you nonresistantly meet chemicalization in this way, very soon brighter conditions will appear.

Emmet Fox has described the healing process of chemicalization:

It seems as though everything begins to go wrong at once. This may be disconcerting, but it is really a good sign. Suppose your whole world seems to rock on its foundation. Hold on steadily, and let it rock, and when the rocking is over, the picture will have reassembled itself into something much nearer to your heart's desire.

Chemicalization means that things are coming out In a better state of affairs than ever before. Regardless of what seems to be happening, It never means anything else. When a physical or mental disturbance arises after your deliberate use of right thinking, it is always a sign that your right thinking is at work clearing out the negative, so that the positive power of good can gain complete dominion of your world.

As you practice the prosperity laws given in my books, faithfully writing out your desires, making a wheel of fortune, commanding your good to appear, creating a master plan for success, and as you practice the healing laws faithfully invoking denial, forgiveness, release, and affirmations of love, praise, etc. - don't be surprised if your world begins to rock!

When it does say to yourself, "This Is good! Those laws are working for me In a dynamic way. Only dynamic good shall come from this cleansing experience." You are having a mental, emotional, and perhaps even a physical "spring cleaning." How free, unburdened, and ready for better health and greater health and greater good you will be as this cleansing perfects you and your world.